The “Positive Vibes Only” Movement Is Dead — And Why That’s A Positive Development For Our Mental Health Today

The “Positive Vibes Only” Movement Is Dead — And Why That’s A Positive Development For Our Mental Health Today

How You Can Embrace The Negative And Find A Way To Reframe It Into A Positive
No one can be happy all of the time. So finding things that make you happy can help to ensure you experience joy in your life. You deserve it! Negative feelings are a part of you (and everyone) Anger, frustration, fear, and other “negative emotions” are all part of the human experience.

These negative emotions can often be felt in our everyday lives as we go about trying to accomplish all that’s needed for success at home or work. It doesn’t need to stay this way! I know that it’s easier said than done, but embracing the negative will allow you to experience your full humanity. We all have flaws and shortcomings. Try minimizing the negative reaction of those thoughts of what’s wrong with ourselves and try looking at these things in a positive light. This way they can guide our lives in positive directions.

Negative thoughts or feelings can lead to stress and are often seen as emotions to be avoided, ignored, or otherwise disavowed. However, these thoughts and or feelings can actually be a healthy experience. A better approach is to manage them without denying them, and there are several reasons for this.
  • Your decision-making will suffer if you ignore the negative consequences
  • Never addressing the negative makes it stay longer and could possibly make you sick
  • Feeling the negative can allow you to heal

Being aware of your emotions is a sign of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence goes beyond just knowing your own emotions but also involves having a higher awareness of the feelings of those around you. This cognition of your own feelings as well as those around you, combined with empathy can make for a more successful person in life–and business!

Negative Emotions vs. Positive Emotions

Happiness is a feeling that many people strive for. It’s not always easy to find, but it’s worth the search when you do manage to locate such emotion in your life!

Goodbye sadness; hello happiness- there are so many positive emotions out on this planet right now just waiting patiently with open arms welcoming every one of us back into their world where love will flow freely until our dying day…or perhaps even longer than we expect because sometimes joy simply can’t be contained within physical space limitations alone any longer. The key here though isn’t necessarily eliminating bad moods completely – instead our goal should really only entail managing them more effectively

You may not understand why it’s happening to you, but they’re still necessary.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and experience anger, sadness, or fear. But these so-called negative emotions aren’t always bad – they just exist on a spectrum of negativity versus positivity. Our moods can change quickly from happy to angry over something as simple as wordless cues or someone cutting into our line at dinner without even saying “I’m sorry.”

Practice mindfulness, which encourages us to give our emotions ‘space’ to exist.

The term mindfulness can be defined as a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment. It can be promoted by certain practices or activities, such as meditation, but it is not equivalent to or synonymous with them. There are multiple ways to cultivate and practice mindfulness.
  • Sensory
  • Emotions
  • Urge surfing
  • Art Therapy
  • Meditation
  • Tai chi

The Power of Positive Emotions

Winne the Pooh gave Christopher Robin the mantra; “you’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” This is a great phrase to repeat to yourself in any new or uncomfortable situation, including a new job or internship. Mindset is such a powerful thing, and I encourage you to tap into yours.

Practice gratitude through journaling

There’s no wrong way to keep a gratitude journal, but here are some helpful tips to get you started. Write down up to five things for which you feel grateful. The physical record is important—don’t just do this exercise in your head. Whatever you write down can be small or big, it’s what YOU are grateful for!

  • Be as specific as possible—specificity is key to fostering gratitude.
  • Go for depth over breadth. Elaborating in detail about a particular person or thing for which you’re grateful carries more benefits than a superficial list of many things.
  • Get personal. Focusing on people to whom you are grateful has more of an impact than focusing on things for which you are grateful.
  • See good things as “gifts.” Thinking of the good things in your life as gifts guards against taking them for granted. Try to relish and savor the gifts you’ve received.
  • Write regularly. Whether you write daily or every other day, commit to a regular time to journal, then honor that commitment.

I’ve come to see how most of my own personal growth has been in embracing the negative emotions in my life. True self-worth grows from a place of acceptance—and that includes accepting our full range of emotions. Giving yourself a little grace can go a long way.