You are Amazing
I hope my story inspires you to believe.

Before I discovered manifestation…
I was a woman who believed only in what my five senses could perceive. I double majored and got my Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Psychology and then my Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Life was good. I got married
And started working as a nurse.
For 10 years, I worked my way up the ladder in leadership…

and had my two beautiful girls, Masyn and Raegan, by home birth.
I always believed in continuing education, so I got my Master's in Nursing Leadership.

But I always wanted more… so I started an online business.

My eyes were opened to a new way of life, a world where anything is possible.
In 2019, I met Bob Proctor and learned about Universal Law and manifestation.

But I asked for faith. I asked for help. I started studying my mind and the thoughts that were derived from it.
At the time, I didn’t believe in God. I didn’t believe in myself. I didn’t believe in anything I couldn’t see evidence of with my own eyes.

I realized that, deep down, I thought I was broken, fat, disgusting, and unloveable.
Ever since I was 7 years old, I wished to be skinny. The world told me that because I existed in a bigger body, I was less than, and I fell for it.
As I studied manifestation, my self-awareness kept rising, and I decided to change who I thought I was. I redesigned myself one belief at a time.

I decided that I AM BEAUTIFUL.
I decided that I AM CONFIDENT.

I decided that I AM SUCCESSFUL in the body I am in now.
Manifestation helped me fall in love with myself, so I fell in love with manifestation.
I fell so in love with this work that I started teaching it.

My company, Diamond Academy, was born on July 1, 2020.
I called our company team chat “Team Milly” – short for millionaire – and decided to assume the identity of a millionaire.

That’s when things started to pick up speed. We manifested $1M+ in 7 months…

And the Diamond Academy team started to grow!

Then, we manifested $3.3M in our first year in business!
I fell so in love with this work that I started teaching it.

We created my flagship program MILLIONAIRE.
Click below to learn more about Millionaire
In 2021, we hit $12M+ in revenue.

Then, in 2022, my husband and I separated.
Subconsciously, I suppressed the grief & heartbreak – and manifested a life-threatening lung condition, which landed me in the hospital, praying for a miraculous recovery.

Things were so dark.
I couldn’t walk. I had a chest tube.
The doctors didn’t know if I would make it.

But my soul knew better.
Every day, I strengthened my belief, healed my body from the inside out, and realized something very important.

I realized that even though I had already decided to love myself, I had not yet made the decision to be healthy.

So, I decided to become HEALTH.
I started eating based on what nourished my body. I started taking care of my vessel every day. I started moving her, not for the step count but to honor her desire for movement. I made a conscious decision to see my beautiful heart and soul as worthy of longevity and wonderful health.

And with this choice, my light kept expanding. Thousands of lives were being changed in Diamond Academy.

In 2023, I wrote my second book The Best of Yourself.
Manifest your best damn life & begin a wonderful adventure of self-discovery.

In 2024, Diamond Academy turned 4, and we have manifested $30M+ to date.
Our clients are healing themselves, releasing anxiety, shining their light, manifesting their dreams, and multiplying their impact.

Billion Dollar Kathleen is next. We are just getting started!

Here is my message for you.
You have manifested reading this page because you are ready to shine your light. The world has told you you are flawed, broken, and less than—and you believed them.
But you are none of those things.
You are amazing. You are worthy. You are loved.
No matter your race, gender identity, religion, weight, sexuality, ethnicity, wealth, or education.
You are spirit. You are light. You are perfect.
Manifestation isn’t about becoming someone different.
It’s about letting yourself be who you truly are.