

If you knew the hidden mechanism to achieve your goal EVERY SINGLE TIME?

Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered,
will begin at once to cloth itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available.”

– Andrew Carnegie

What if all the crazy noise and chatter about what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to live suddenly got quiet … and the right path opened up for you … and you just knew what to do?

Inside each of us, the answer is already there. But it’s fighting through all of the crazy noise to get to that place where you can really hear yourself. In today’s time – especially as we move forward into 2022 – we need to use a different set of skills and tools to navigate our way.

Fortunately, those skills are already inside us and they’re all around us, guiding our every move. In this Masterclass, you will learn how to use the ancient laws of the universe to tap into your rarest success. Once you know how to utilize these laws together, anything is yours. These ancient laws have always been here. They never fail. And they’re always, always on your side.


4 Months of Weekly Learning

16 weeks of LIVE Interactive teaching sessions with Universal Laws Expert Instructor, Angie Tumlinson. Includes lifetime access to replays and course material.

Expertly Crafted Course Materials

Accelerate your learning with a full workbook, weekly exercises, and other resources that will help you internalize the material on a very deep level.

Exclusive Facebook Community

Join like-minded private group of fellow students who will support you and who will cheer on your success. Ask questions, access replays, share wins and aha moments.

The most profound impact on my life, covering personal, business, relationship, and spiritual was the discovery of Natural Universal Laws.  A mentor of mine introduced me to these laws and that began my search to find out as much about them as I could through reading books by various authors. Through my readings, I found that not one of them had comprehensive text that explained in detail each Law and how to apply them in a person’s life.

I learned that a person’s success is 100% guaranteed if they will do things in a certain way. And that way is living by Universal Law. Word got out and the message began to spread that I had a commanding knowledge of the Universal Laws of operation. My speaking engagements grew, and I developed a workshop and a course that gave people everything they needed to know to understand the Laws along with practical guidance to integrate them into their lives. I became known as a Science of the Mind Integration Expert and The Universal Laws Expert.



Copyright © 2022, Kathleen Cameron